Halfway to a year old? We cannot believe that six months ago Jax was born? These past 6 months have been filled with a lot of change for our family but having Jax along for the ride has been the best. Now that he is getting older his personality is definitely coming out and it's hilarious. He responds to Nacho Libre quotes and finds the simplest things giggle worthy. He will also rotate himself 360 degrees in 2 seconds flat. This boy is fast and very curious about everything.
This past month Jax has begun to recognize the family in his life and has started reaching out to Mama and Papi and even friends at church that reach their hands out to him. Along with recognizing faces he has also developed a little stranger anxiety and will do a quick glance back at Fabian or myself to reassure him that he is ok. He has been hearing and responding to more Spanish lately. We have been doing our best to give him a good balance of both languages. He also knows the signs for 'leche', 'eat', and 'all done'. We're working on adding 'diaper change' and 'more' into the mix this next month.
He has tried carrots, sweet potatoes, and a strawberry/apple mixture. He really could care less about them. He just wants the leche. Also, right before he turned 5 months I decided to stop breastfeeding. It was hard and I had a couple moments of tears but my body wasn't producing any more milk. For me it was perfect timing because he wasn't super attached to me and weaning him off was easy to do. Also, I think it was really stressing me out and that stress along with dieting had a big affect on my milk.
He is rolling over both ways but still prefers to be on his belly most of the time. He rolls over so quickly and if he rolls from belly to back he scares himself a little bit. Another thing that we have been dealing with was little night terrors. He has had three moments during the night where he will wake up crying shortly after I put him down to sleep. You know as parents you can start to tell the difference with your children's cries? Well this one is different. It tears our hearts apart. He will scream and cry for about 10 minutes and then settle back down and sleep through the night.
We've been doing a little experimenting because we weren't too sure if they were actually night terrors or possible acid reflux or some trapped gas? A friend suggested burping him a little longer before laying him down at night to make sure that all the gas was out. It seems to be helping and so far we haven't had any other issues with it. We also went to war in his bedroom and our house. We prayed against anything that may be trying to sneak it's way into our home. That's our greatest weapon.
We are so excited for Christmas and to share this time with our family and friends. Jax is at such a perfect age right now to be out and about during the Holidays. We may not be able to stay up until midnight on Christmas Eve but we'll get as close as we can.
-F & B
6 months is a fun age....you're right! he is so cute! Hadley prefers her back still haha.