Monday, February 5, 2018

The Month Of February

New month. New goals. At least that's what my blogpost from 2012 opened with. Yes, I wrote a similar post 6 years ago and ironically I had very similar goals. Things like, de-clutter my closets, workout more, sleep more than 6 hours a night, and eliminate excess spending.

Let's just say for us, January wasn't so bright. Our finances got hit big time and we didn't adjust our spending habits and found ourselves getting one of those fun notifications on your phone saying "your account went below $__." Whoops. That was a giant wake up call and when we added up all the dollars spent on meals not prepared in our kitchen it was time to do something about it.

For the month of February we are cutting down our meals away from home to two per week. That may still seem like a lot but let me tell you, it's a giant decrease from where we started from. Fabian and I talked and thought it would not only be a challenge for us but also a good way to keep our finances in check. Y'all food can add up real fast if you don't keep track of it.
Another thing that we're going to get in rotation is a cleaning schedule. Having tripled our square footage from our tiny apartment we are learning that there is now so much more that has to stay clean inside and outside of our home. Doing a little bit each day instead of a 3-4 hour power clean on the weekend is going to be our plan. Omg, we're real adults!

One more family goal is to get outside more. Since Texas is starting to kinda sorta make up it's mind weather wise we're going to be taking more walks together as a family, letting Jax wander around in the grass, and overall get more fresh air.

And once again, I've said it for the past few months that I was going to start running again. I can tell you that each month I do make an effort. But this month I need to make a better effort. Someone hold me accountable please.

What are you planning to accomplish in February?

-F & B and Jax


  1. Eating out can add up so quickly!! We are looking forward to the warmer weather so we can get out more too! I was running before getting pregnant and am hoping to get back into it later this year, too!! You've got this!

    1. It sure does add up. I won't disclose the amount that was spent because it's totally embarrassing. I am hoping to try and sneak in some runs when I can. It's such an amazing way to clear my head! Thank you for the encouragement!

  2. We need a cleaning schedule! We also don't eat out much because of how expensive it is. I wish we could do it more!

  3. Ugh we hit this realization this month too. Relating so hard right now. We're jumping on the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace/Total Money Makeover bandwagon. We were doing so awesome and it took one thing to throw it off. Prayers for being able to buckle down and save!
